Friday, May 26, 2006

The Speaker, the NOLA rep and CIA Leaks

This sounds like a Ludlum who dun it full of all the intrigue.

A Duty of Compassion

Read this, pray and reflect on Memorial Day.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I fear a blood bath is brewing in November

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  This truism holds for people with conviction too.  The president and senate et. al. are selling us out on immigration.

Where the battle is really being fought

This is a good discourse on where we are fighting this current battle for freedom – in the hearts and minds of our own citizens.  Read this and reflect.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

USA Today Drive By Media Hit Piece Falling Apart?

The USA Today story supposedly exposing the NSA surveillance of telephone records appears to be falling apart.  Now, two of the carriers are denying involvement.  A further investigation into the USA Today reporter shows some strange relationships with Dems too.

Sounds like this could turn into a Jason Blair type story.  I wouldn’t want to be a shareholder for Gannett.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Strategic Choke Points

Interesting assessment of world choke points.

You are not going to like this

This not the way our wounded soldies should be treated.  And before you jump to conclusions that I am talking about the crazy moonbats at code pink, read carefully.

The CO's in these outfits should be horsewipped.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Where Have All the Communists Gone?

You've got to read this article by Linda Kimball.  It puts a face and an explanation on all these wacko leftist groups.  No more will I call them insane.  They are insanely brilliant in their long-term effort to co-opt America.  Simply stunning!  And, it explains almost completely what we see going on today on the left and in the MSM.  The great irony is that Joe McCarthy was probably mostly right.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stuck in the Middle

Interesting use of a Harvard Business case to analogize the problem with the Republican congressional leadership.  I had a marketing professor in grad bus school who used to call the middle "s*** city".  You never ever want to be stuck in the middle.  That is the problem with "good, better, best" strategies.  You spend a lot of money developing "better" that nobody wants.  When was the last time you bought 89 octane gas?  It's either 87 or 93.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

What we have here is a failure to communicate

I love that old quote.  And, it is relevant to this story, which sums up the old addage that communicating the message is as important as the message itself.  That is why we have to be so meticulous on how we communicate a presentation, e-mail or note to colleagues, customers, suppliers, neighbors, friends and family.  I wonder how many wars were started or relationships destroyed because we failed at communication?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Russert's Econ 101 Lesson

Great stuff helping to dispel the myth that the left wing press is all knowing and all powerful.  This guy Russert is just plain dumb!

Easiest Sanctions on Iran Yet

Sometimes the easiest answer to a problem can be right in front of you. James Woolsey articulates an obvious solution.

What the American Populace Thinks of Illegal Immigration

Interesting Zogby poll out showing more support - significanlty more support - for the House version of an immigration bill versus the Senate bill.  The House bill has tougher enforcement provisions with no amnesty elements.

The Backlash Begins

Now we see what happens to those pols who support non-defensible borders.  Not sure what the answer is.  But, defending lawlessness is not a winner.