The Corner mentioned this sad news of a true American hero's passing.
THANK YOU, ADM. SHELDON KINNEY; R.I.P. [KJL]A retired Navy man whose life, as this profile reports, was a service to our nation, dies: He took command of the USS Edsall in 1943, becoming the youngest commanding officer of a destroyer-type ship. He then commissioned and took command of the USS Bronstein. The Bronstein was credited with sinking three German U-boats in one night and putting a fourth out of action. He was awarded the Navy Cross, and the Bronstein received a Presidential Unit Citation. Adm. Robert Carney, chief of naval operations from 1953 to 1955, described the Bronstein's fight that night as "the most concentrated and successful antisubmarine action by a U.S. Navy ship during World War II."
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