Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Fillibuster Compromise Fallout

My first reaction was the same as many conservatives…anger at the 7 GOP senators who betrayed the president’s agenda. That said, it was interesting to see the Whitehouse come out this morning favorable to the deal. Not one for believing everything in Washington you see or here is above board, I got to thinking. This could be one of those deals with the devil which 1) kicks the can down the road, 2) tactically gets 3 key judicial nominees voted on, 3) energizes the GOP base once again to rail against the Dems and get a 60 vote majority in the Senate.

Washington may not be a pretty place but it sure does give us all a lesson in the art of the compromise and shrewd deal making. I am not the only one thinking this either. And, it also may corner the Dems in other areas.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

New Weapon System - No Recoil

Check out this new weapon system.

Pepsi's prez gives US the Middle Finger?

These comments by Pepsi’s president doesn’t sit well.  I suspect it was an attempt at humor.  But, this was certainly an inappropriate place to try that.  I would say that this is one soda that went flat.  Also, I find it surprising.  My experience with Indian nationals doesn’t fit this thinking.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Global Warming Pseduo Science Unveiled

This is a very good article on how the science behind the theory is supported more by ideology than facts.

Myron Ebell, who works for the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) in Washington, D.C., one of the few groups that examines global-warming claims skeptically, says that environmentalism is now a $1.5 billion industry. In Washington, skeptics (like himself) are outnumbered by global warming advocates perhaps by a margin of 300 to one. Yet CEI, greatly underfunded by comparison with groups like the Sierra Club, tends to be characterized in the media as "industry supported." The enviros' problem is that they have "everything going for them except the facts," Ebell says.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

MSM attacks rather than apologizes

Reporters are scum.  I heard that they are the people who can’t pass anything else so they write articles which typically attack and denigrate others.  No ethics, amoral, anti-Christian, anti-American, can’t take the heat scumbags.  Read how they questioned Scott McClellan today.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Another Stormy Hurricane Season?

Let’s hope this is one forecast that the weatherman misses!

The Impact of the Newsweek Mess

The outrage that has poured out from the Arab street over the now retracted Newsweek article suggesting that US soldiers had desecrated the Quran has put our nation in a particular difficult situation possibly setting our efforts paid for in much bloodshed back several years. Further there is much doubt in the Muslim world about what the truth is.

What is particularly galling about this is the reaction of the liberals and Newsweek itself. The apologists are out in full force on the looney left. From their point of view, the end (power) justifies all means of achieving it – even the bloodshed of our sons and daughters. They are simply beneath contempt. Someone in the Pentagon who leaked this untruth as an unnamed source should go to Levinworth for many years.

Articles by others on this outrage can be found here, here, here, here, here, and a good summary of others’ reactions here.

Best thing to do is cancel your subscription. You can express your own outrage directly to Newsweek - mark.whitaker@newsweek.com

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Dichotomy of India

Squatters in the shadows of high tech offices in Hyderabad.
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