Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Cookie Night

One of the highlights every year at Christmas time is the traditional cookie bake. The recipe is simple. The art work is complex and deep.

Here we see mom and and our youngest cutting out the cookie dough and baking the cookies.

Here we are making the icing, which is so important for the future artisans of the cookie trade!

The kids are completely enthralled and enjoy the incredible anticipation of decorating the first cookie! Mom is in her element and enjoying every minute.

The careful attention to detail is astonishing. One wonders where the talent comes from. As a dad, I am so impressed with the effort.

And, the results speak for themselves. Uh...could some one pass me the milk?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Oh My! Troops Terrorizing Iraqis?

You would think John Kerry’s handlers would have learned after the last election to change the tape when he opens his mouth.  But, the truth always seems to let Johnny Boy down.  See these tidbits on how are troops really behave from Michelle Malkin.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Washington State Democrats Show How They Really Feel About Christians

This denigration does not surprise me at all.  I heard other day that we have opened a new front on the War on Terror and it is here in the good ole’ US of A for the hearts, minds and souls of Americans, especially our children.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

MSM Bias?

If you read this headline,…

November retail sales fall short

…you and most people would think that the wheels are coming off this economic expansion.  Right?  But, the truth, go down to the 6th paragraph and you get this interesting tidbit.

Much of the weakness in November's sales was due to a 5.9 percent drop in sales at gasoline stations -- a direct result of the decline in gas prices last month and hardly bad news for consumers. The drop in that category was the largest decrease since April 2003. When excluded, retail sales rose 1.0 percent in November.

1.0% increase!  Who is kidding who here.  And, gas prices down.  A double boost.

These MSM people are shameful.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Seen the new GOP video?

You can catch it here via Drudge Report.  Predictably, the Surrendercrats are outraged.  I find it interesting that the Libs seem to dish out treasonous venom, but can’t take any heat, even when it’s their own words used back in their faces.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Update on Good Things going on in Iraq

Good progress on all fronts.  The story you will never hear in the MSM.

Thursday, December 01, 2005