Monday, August 29, 2005

Took less than 24 hours

So Bush, are now responsible for Katrina.  These people must think we are stupid.

More on the truth of Camp Casey

So much for spontaneous grieving of a mother. Look at this on site report. Also, look at this spectacle staged with Sharpton. And, here is some background on her handler. Feeling good about Mother Sheehan now?

How about the mainstream media fawning over this woman. The behavior of the media here is the real story. They are very quickly revealing the truth about themselves, becoming discredited and irrelevant.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Where are the protesters?

This blogger asks a fundamental question.  Low and behold, when you look at the facts they speak mountains about the anti-war movement.  Its small.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

What Bush Should Say to Cindy Sheehan

Interesting letter written by a fellow who is normally a satirist.  In this case he is right on the mark.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

What is really going on in Iraq

Not only does this paint a truthful picture (PDF download), it also paints a positive picture of a nascent economy.  Look on page 11.  Interesting observation that the bulk of telecommunication is cellular.  This fact is also scene in China and India.  Land lines and the companies attached to land lines are becoming dinosaurs.

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Cindy Sheehan Tragedy

People react to grief differently.  We all grieve that she lost a child in the Iraq war.  We have a neighbor up the street who lost a son as well.  They are very proud of his service.

What we often do not know, is that people are not always what the media makes them out to be.  See the real colors of Ms. Sheehan here.  Judge for yourself.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Big John Tries Niagra

Not even Big John can get it across Niagara. Must be using the wrong balls.

No puns here, of course!