Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Another view on global warming

As an engineer with considerable background in thermodynamics, I have always been skeptical of the notion of man-made induced global warming. This article takes a step back and compares natural events (solar flares, volcanoes) to the impacts of human interaction with the atmosphere.

The energy output of the Sun is far greater in one second than human activity could produce in a million years.

Simple facts such as the one above frankly overwhelm the pseudo-scientific models put forth in the cry for emission curbs.

I learned along time ago that data can be manipulated to sell a point of view. Not that I subscribe to this view. In fact, I strongly disdain it. All of us can remember an easy example of data manipulation from high school math classes. When you plot a graph with a large scale or a small scale, the larger the scale is the flatter the data looks. There is more detail on how this is done to, say, tell one side of a story in court.

My impression is that the ENGO’s who are the loudest proponents of the global warming bombast are more interested in perpetuating their business model - how else can they raise revenue, er funding. Or, perhaps, they have a desire for a global governance structure - ahhhh – liberal nirvana. I apparently am not the only one seeing through the environmentalists' charade.