Saturday, January 29, 2005

Good Advice to SUV'ers on Ice

We’ve all seen it. Crazed drivers in SUV’s who decide to go sledding on ice covered roads. When will the over-equipped, under-educated ever learn. I really don’t have much room to speak here. Many years ago, I was the proud driver of an old Jeep Wagoneer that got stuck so deep it took a tractor to pull it out. So there, for fairness in my rant.

Addendum: I have to pick on my sister's ex here too. He had one of those big Chevy 1500's. He stuck it deer hunting one evening in a central Alabama cotton field, which is composed of black gumbo soil, essentially super glue to a trucks tire. A tractor couldn't pull this one out. It finally took a log skidder to extract this puppy. We all live and learn.