Sunday, March 13
Jeremiah 23:16-32, I Corinthians 9:19-27, Mark 8:31-9:1
Q. 76. Which is the Ninth Commandment?
A. The Ninth Commandment is, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
Q. 77. What is required in the Ninth Commandment?
A. The Ninth Commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man, and of our own and our neighbor’s good name, especially in witnessbearing.
Q. 78. What is forbidden in the Ninth Commandment?
A. The Ninth Commandment forbiddeth whatsoever is prejudicial to truth, or injurious to our own or our neighbor’s good name.
Prayer: Lord I praise you! I praise you in your sanctuary; I praise you in your mighty firmament! I praise you for your mighty deeds; I praise you according to your surpassing greatness! I praise you with trumpet sound; I praise you with lute and harp! I praise you with tambourine and dance; I praise you with strings and pipe! I praise you with clanging cymbals; I praise you with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150)
Reflection: One lie leads to many lies. The truth is important for one's own soul.
Ref: Westminster Shorter Catechism (255k).
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