Thursday, March 03, 2005

NY Times Polling Errors

More mainstream media bias discovered by our friends at AnkleBiting Pundits. Frankly, I am glad that the NYT continues to do publish this stuff. It is pushing them into a tiny little corner with a tiny little audience. That will make them the backwater media before long.

If you have ever been around these types, all they can do is sip wine and whine. All their talk self-reinforces their far left view of the world. They have completely lost any notion of learning and are unwilling to reach out and thoughtfully consider other viewpoints. Their only way of feeling good about themselves is to use their media pulpit to denigrate conservatives, or any person who disagrees with them. Bush just happens to be the current object of their vile. If it wasn’t Bush, it would be someone else.

What also amazes me is the way our current president handles the invective with such grace. A lesser mortal would have blown a gasket over this stuff.