Terri Schiavo passed away today. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
We should not forget the lessons the focus on the final days of her life have taught us. Regardless of where you come down on the morality of her death, none of us should sleep well for the interference that occurred in this decision. It strikes me as simply stunning that the judiciary in this country has made such a raw power grab manifested in the way they treated this woman. Are we at a point where the interests of a position taken, argued about in a court, ruled on and "judged" outweigh the importance of life and its moral underpinnings? Our forefathers created the judiciary to temper us from populist movements. How do we temper our judges?
We should all worry where we are headed next. Karen Pittman lays out an excoriation of the judges who rule by judicial fiat and the chicken littles in the statehouses and Washington who do nothing to stop this blatant power grab by the judiciary.
Ultimately, it is our responsibility to hold our government accountable. I am willing to bet this will fall off the front pages and be forgotten until the next Terri comes along. We cannot and should not let her life lesson be lost on us as a nation lest we succumb to the depravity of moral relativism and a culture of death.
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